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Life, Tech & Adventures: A Journey in Bytes and Boardgames

Keychron Adventures

Keychron Adventures


I guess we all had this situation where some piece of technology just refused to work as intended and we would like the first person on earth to discover this problem. I felt like this last week and couldn't point out what caused my problem but let me start from the beginning. Quite some ti...

20th Nov 2020 - Philipp Ludewig
Is my Container healthy?

Is my Container healthy?

Aloha Leute, wie läuft's?

Letzte Woche war die letzte Oktoberwoche und sollte gruselig sein. Halloween in Zeiten von Covid-19 war lahm. Es gab verständlicherweise keine Party auf die man hätte gehen können, und der zweite Lockdown ist auf dem Weg allen den noch übrigen Spaß zu verderben. Wie auch...

2nd Nov 2020 - Philipp Ludewig
Usage of Crontab in MacOS

Usage of Crontab in MacOS


some days ago I had one of this moments. You execute a command you shouldn't have executed and then two years of my bash history gone forever. I was devasteded and i subconciusly answered the question to which group of people i belong to: the one who didn't made a backup. You bet this was m...

17th Sep 2020 - Philipp Ludewig