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Life, Tech & Adventures: A Journey in Bytes and Boardgames

Bash Script Testing: A Journey to Bats-Core

Bash Script Testing: A Journey to Bats-Core

Aloha people,

I found myself recently in the need to test some complex bash scripts. The problem? I had no idea how to test bash scripts. When I wrote bash scripts in the past, they were so small I was able to verify if they worked by just running them. I still wanted to do test driven developmen...

31st Jul 2023 - Philipp Ludewig
Security Champion Day 2023

Security Champion Day 2023

Aloha people,

I've spent my Friday, in the office not only because the free food Friday is back but also because I had the chance to listen to some great presentation of my colleagues of the InfoSec space at ThoughtWorks. Once a year we have the privilege to leave our accounts for a day to share...

16th Jul 2023 - Philipp Ludewig
I got scammed on Ebay

I got scammed on Ebay

Aloha people,

I got nearly scammed on eBay trying to sell my stuff. The situation and my mindset could not have been better for the scammers. I was in a rush and was doing three things at the same time: eBay, eating, and viewing an episode of Monk with my girlfriend. I know what you will ask and...

2nd Apr 2023 - Philipp Ludewig