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Let's get Apache Kafka running!

Let's get Apache Kafka running!

Aloha people,

In this post, I will explain what you need to do to set up Apache Kafka locally with Docker so that you can list some topics. The project I am currently working on requires me to learn about Apache Kafka, and so I went to Udemy, picked the first high-ranking course “Apache Kafka Seri...

25th Jan 2022
Usage of Crontab in MacOS

Usage of Crontab in MacOS


some days ago I had one of this moments. You execute a command you shouldn't have executed and then two years of my bash history gone forever. I was devasteded and i subconciusly answered the question to which group of people i belong to: the one who didn't made a backup. You bet this was m...

17th Sep 2020 - Philipp Ludewig